Refresh: A team has now claimed to have defeated the raid, off-air. Parabellum team and unknown crew. Bungie confirms.

The original article is as follows:

Good morning everyone, no, no one has yet beaten Destiny 2’s Last Wish raid, Edge of Salvation, which just passed The Last Wish and was the world’s longest first attempt at over 18 hours.

Several teams, including community legends like Datto, Hopscotch and ATP. But what stands out is that all these teams are so determined to be the winning team that they have gone to extreme lengths to protect their strategies from each other.

While those teams muted their microphones and dimmed the parts of the screens with buffs and debuffs in yesterday’s eight-hour match four, now all the top teams have gone full blackout mode. ATP displays a still image. Datto has a camera where he just looks at the screen. Saltegreppo broadcast the fight on mute for a while, but now it’s blacked out. Now, the closest thing we see to a boss fight is colored lights reflecting off Datto’s face.

I understand why it happens. These teams are looking to be the first to complete the most important, hardest raid in Destiny history. But when it comes to being an exciting community event, it has completely stopped being that. Given that we can hear a few battle sounds at best, they may be offline. This is often not the case.

There was a call to implement “rules” around this, but that would be largely unworkable because it would force anyone trying to beat the raid to broadcast the raid, and it’s always been the case that you can play individually and win. way, meaning no one is left out of trying. I’m not sure what the answer is here.

As for the raid itself, many are already calling it Destiny’s best. The first encounter took a lot of time for many teams, including the most-watched broadcaster Aztecross, which initially attracted 100,000 viewers, but the four puzzle rooms puzzled all teams for eight hours, and most of them are still there. Given all the silence, I have no idea how this mechanic works.

Now, with the boss, before everything goes dark, a very quick insta-delete mechanic has appeared, the Witness, which unleashes a wave of death if you don’t do something. I heard that Datto’s team figured out how to run DPS, but I’m not sure if that’s true. If it may be the last thing in sight, but we have 18 hours, these guys are not sleeping and not thinking and not playing as well as they can. Given the completions in the last 24+ hours, we’ve seen this before with some teams, but yes, in terms of a recent World First, it’s now the longest. At some point I think Bungie will start to worry about player health. None of these finalist teams are standing still, after all.

I have mixed feelings about how this went. Its length and difficulty are great, and it seems to be the entire timer of the raid. But the viewing experience for the top teams has now gone from not great to almost unbearable, and yet 70,000 people are actually sitting around looking at Dutton’s face. Datto winning the final raid race after almost too many firsts would be one of the best stories in Destiny history. I just hope we get to see it.

Refresh: A team has now claimed to have defeated the raid, off-air. Parabellum team and unknown crew. Bungie confirms.

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