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The most popular intermittent fasting method used by celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum and Jennifer Lopez has been linked to a shockingly lower risk of cardiovascular death, according to a newly published study.

Users of the so-called 16:8 diet — which eats only in an eight-hour window and fasts for 16 hours a day — had a 91 percent increased risk of dying from heart disease compared to those who did not. Over 12 to 16 hours, Southwest News reported.

“Our findings encourage a more sensitive and personalized approach to dietary recommendations by ensuring that they are consistent with individual health conditions and the latest scientific evidence,” said senior author Dr. Victor Wenze Zhong. he said in a statement..

A new study has linked a popular fasting diet to an increased risk of cardiovascular death. Mia Studio –

“In our study, we were surprised to find that people who followed an eight-hour, time-restricted eating program had a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease,” added Zhong, professor and chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in Shanghai, China. Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.

People with cardiovascular disease who ate within a window of eight to 10 hours a day were 66 percent more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke, the data showed.

Researchers analyzed the eating behavior of more than 20,000 American adults – with an average age of 49 – over eight years.

The study was presented Monday by the American Heart Association Epidemiology and Prevention│Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Scientific Sessions 2024 in Chicago.

Some experts warn against the 16:8 fasting diet, which a new study warns could pose health risks. SASITHORN –

Previous studies have also shown that time-restricted eating is no better than calorie counting.

Dr. Christopher D. Gardner of Stanford University criticized the recent study as relying on patients’ self-reported eating habits and meal times.

“This may affect the memory or memory of the participants, and therefore may not be an accurate assessment of common dietary patterns,” he said, adding that in future studies, more attention should be paid to the dietary foods in question.

“Without this information, it cannot be determined whether nutrient density could be an alternative explanation for the findings based on the time window for eating in the present,” he said.

Other health nutritionists, such as nutritionist Rania Bataineh, have expressed concern about the 16:8 method.

“My problem is that sometimes this goes down too far into the morning hours (until noon or after noon), which can make you feel light-headed, very hungry, irritable and low energy,” says Batayneh, author of “The One”. One diet at a time,” he told the Post.

Research warns of deadly risks associated with the 16:8 diet. Getty Images

Instead, she advises not to eat for 12 hours, starting in the evening.

“In a 12-hour window, you can refuel 5 times, 3 hours apart. Of course, if you’re really full from breakfast or lunch, you can skip the snacks. You’re basically giving your body the nutrients it needs to get through the day, which will help you deal with post-dinner snacking.” .

“It’s about structure, not limits, and it’s 100% normal,” she added. “There are a lot of people who follow this as part of their routine and lifestyle and call it ‘fast’.”

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