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  • Warning: graphic content
  • Jordan Wilson was attacked by a dog in 2022, and suffered horrific injuries.
  • Her nose was torn by a family friend’s dog
  • Almost two years now, she has undergone several surgeries, and shared her recovery.

A woman has reported a brave recovery after suffering horrific facial injuries when her nose was ripped off by a dog in a terrifying attack.

Jordan Wilson, 26, has undergone 10 major surgeries since being attacked in Boerboel in April 2022 – and has won social media stardom by being candid about her journey online along the way.

At the time of the attack, the mother and her boyfriend were staying with his brother and his girlfriend, who own Borbol.

‘We came home from dinner and we were all sitting on the floor together,’ the Pennsylvania native recalled. ‘The dog was on a leash at the time because he is known to be very territorial.’

A woman has recorded her recovery after suffering horrific facial injuries when her nose was ripped off by a dog in a terrifying attack (pictured before the incident).
Jordan Wilson, 26, had to undergo 10 surgeries to repair injuries she suffered when she was mauled by a dog (pictured after her first procedure) on her brother’s girlfriend.
Jordan (shown during her treatment) has been candidly documenting her recovery on social media.

Jordan said she ‘blacked out’ when the dog attacked, but her boyfriend later filled her in on what happened, saying the dog leaned in to lick her face and instead rushed into her.

‘[The dog] He locked his jaws on my nose and refused to let go,’ Jordan recalled.

‘I remember holding my face and seeing him bleeding when the owner was finally able to get him off me,’ she said of her horrific injuries.

While everyone was ‘screaming and freaking out’, Jordan said she was ‘absolutely calm’ – despite almost having her nose completely ripped off.

‘I knew we had to go to the emergency room,’ she said.

Jordan was rushed to Tampa General Hospital, but the hospital did not have the qualified plastic surgeons she needed. She was then taken by ambulance to another hospital, and underwent initial surgery.

The doctors cleaned the wound and covered it with an artificial skin substitute; However, all Jordan needed was a bend in the forehead.

It is one of the leading surgical techniques for nasal reconstruction and has been shown to enhance the functional and aesthetic results of surgery.

‘[The dog] He locked his jaws on my nose and refused to let go,’ Jordan recalled.
‘[The dog] He locked his jaws on my nose and refused to let go,’ Jordan recalled.
After the attack, Jordan was rushed to the hospital, but they didn’t have the plastic surgeons she needed. She was taken to another hospital and underwent the first of many surgeries.
The doctors cleaned the wound and covered it with an artificial skin substitute; However, all Jordan needed was a bandage on her forehead, which she later did
The nature of the procedure was so unique that there were only a handful of surgeons worldwide practicing it.
The nature of the procedure was so unique that there were only a handful of surgeons worldwide practicing it.

In this surgery, a reconstructive surgeon uses the skin above the eyebrows on the forehead and aligns it vertically to replace the missing nasal tissue. However, finding a surgeon qualified for a particular type of reconstruction was difficult.

‘Unfortunately, due to the unique nature of the procedure, only a handful of surgeons worldwide perform the procedure,’ she explains.

Determined to find the right person for the job, Jordan traveled to Miami to see various doctors in the hopes that someone would agree to perform the surgery.

‘Many of my appointments ended in frustration because my requests to have the brow braced were repeatedly rejected,’ she recalls.

Jordan found out that there was a surgeon in the United States who was well-known in the field of forehead flap surgery – but he had retired.

Thankfully, the doctor in Dallas was able to give advice to one of his longtime colleagues.

Jordan and her boyfriend didn’t hesitate to get on the plane, even though it meant moving to Dallas for six months of major surgeries and treatments.

After ‘numerous appointments ended in disappointment’, Jordan finally found a doctor who could help her reconstruct her nose.
After ‘numerous appointments ended in disappointment’, Jordan finally found a doctor who could help her reconstruct her nose.
But that doctor retired – and Jordan (who appeared after several surgeries) was sent to one of his associates.
She was forced to go to Dallas for six months for treatment.
She was forced to go to Dallas for six months for treatment.

By the time Jordan arrived in Dallas, her recovery was officially underway — albeit with a long road ahead.

To give her more skin to work with while reconstructing her nose, Dr. Thornton inserted a tissue expander into her forehead.

The next operation is on the forehead, which is done in four different stages. Unfortunately, she experienced ‘complications related to infection’ after the surgery, which put her back in recovery.

Although she has undergone a total of nine surgeries since then, she is happy to say that her recovery from the surgery is going ‘well’.

According to Jordan’s TikTok, she has undergone 10 reconstructive surgeries since July 2023, and says that her optimism about her future is key to her speedy recovery.

‘I quickly accepted the fact that I would never have the same face again; As a result, I didn’t spend too much time worrying about the situation,’ she explained.

“I have good days and bad days, but having my boyfriend, who has been my biggest supporter through it all, has definitely influenced me to stay positive,” Jordan said.

Jordan announced her first pregnancy in March 2023 and gave birth to her first child, River, in August 2023.

His unconditional love and concern for me through this ordeal is truly amazing. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have him,’ she said.

In addition to love and support, Jordan uses a variety of self-care practices to speed her recovery and calm her on ‘dark days’.

She sees daily meditation, journaling, practicing yoga and spending at least 15 minutes outside in the sun as ‘very important driving forces’ in her recovery.

Jordan announced her first pregnancy in March 2023 and gave birth to her first child, River, in August 2023.

The brave woman is loving her new role, reflecting on motherhood in an Instagram post, she wrote: ‘The hardest job on earth, no doubt, but the most beautiful and honorable.’