  • A mother has donated her child’s stool to treat Crohn’s disease.
  • After more than four years of putting her in her rectum, she experienced menopausal symptoms.
  • The treatment was not approved to treat Crohn’s, so they did without medical supervision.

A man admitted to hospital with debilitating Crohn’s disease found relief after putting a sweater up his mother’s anus in a DIY treatment – but was surprised to see her menopausal symptoms disappear.

Charlie Curtis, who is in his mid-30s from Toronto, Canada DIY “well transplants,“Or fecal microbiota transplants, over four years, says filmmaker Saffron Cassaday in a new documentary.”Designer $ hit.”

FMTS This usually involves a doctor taking ashes from a healthy donor and mixing them with a saline solution. In FDA-approved procedures, a mixture of saline and stool is injected into the recipient’s gastrointestinal tract as an enema or as oral capsules (which can also be performed by colonoscopy or upper endoscopy).

The recipient will take healthy bacteria from the donated stool, and this will replenish the bacteria in their gut, which may have been depleted from using antibiotics or pain medications, they say. Cleveland Clinic.

FMTs are currently only FDA- and Health Canada-approved for the treatment of obesity c. Difference Bacterial infection, so Charlie Curtis and his mother, Skye Curtis, decided to do the procedure at home.

Doing FMT at home always carries the risk of contracting it Disease from donor stoolDr. Amy Shah, a gastroenterologist in Maryland, previously told Insider.

Curtis was hospitalized with Crohn’s disease.

Charlie Curtis was diagnosed Ulcerative colitis In the year In 2006 at the age of 18, and then with Crohn’s disease, BBC News was created reported In the year In 2014, Crohn’s disease is inflammation of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus, while some parts remain healthy. Ulcerative colitis is inflammation limited to the colon.

Crohn’s symptoms may come and go depending on whether the condition is “active” and may include: fever, diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal pain and cramps, bloody stools, mouth ulcers, loss of appetite, weight loss, and pain or drainage near And in the area. Anus. There is no cure, but treatments may include medications, dietary changes, and surgery.

Despite medication, Charlie Curtis’ Crohn’s symptoms worsened to the point where he was hospitalized and going to the bathroom forty times a day, his mother, Skye Curtis, told Cassaday.

Desperate for her son to get his life back, Skye Curtis contacted Thomas Borodin, director of the Center for Digestive Diseases in Sydney, Australia, who pioneered FMT treatments in the 1980s. He suggested that she give her healthy stool to her baby.

After her stool was tested for any infections or disease, they began the transplant on Christmas Day 2008.

They said, “Every day for a month, then every other day for a month, then every third day for a month, once a month, once a month for three and a half years.” Skye Curtis said to Cassaday.

And it worked. “When I was actually doing the procedure, I could feel a flutter inside me. It felt healthy, it felt like it was working,” Charlie Curtis said.

Charlie Curtis was symptom free and medication free. Cassaday contacted him in 2019.

Curtis experienced the symptoms of his mother’s menopause

Charlie Curtis experienced unexpected side effects from FMTs: sweating, hot flashes and mood swings, similar to what his menopausal mother was experiencing.

“I was going through menopause at the time,” Skye Curtis said in the documentary. “And so he was!”

The donated foal was “transmitting high levels of hormones,” Borody told Cassaday, so Charlie Curtis may have experienced the same symptoms as his mother because he was drinking. Hormones Although this is not confirmed, although from Gugu.

This is not the first time that FMT is thought to have caused changes outside of the gut in patients. In a 2019 study involving children with autism and helping with gastrointestinal issues, FMTs were linked to improvements in social responsiveness and development, and several studies suggest they improve symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, such as sleep disturbances. There have been a few cases of people with alopecia who experienced some hair growth after FMTs.

However, there is not yet enough research on FMTs to allow them to treat other health conditions, and Charlie Curtis’ case is very historic.

Doing FMT at home always carries the risk of contracting it Disease from donor stoolDr. Amy Shah, a gastroenterologist in Maryland, previously told Insider.

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