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Once seemingly relegated to the dustbin of fitness history, wearable wrist weights are seeing a remarkable resurgence. On social media.

During the fitness boom of the 1980s, the one- to three-pound dolls gained popularity when athletes strapped models made of fabric and filled them with sand. But in the early 2000s, they mostly went the way of foot warmers. It didn’t help them to sweat. This caused them to smell over time.

Their current resurgence has been fueled by brands like Bala, whose weighty “bangles” look like fashion accessories: they’re made of silicone-coated steel and come in muted colors that look like they were designed for TikTok and Instagram.

Like many home fitness brands, Bala’s business has thrived during the pandemic. The founders of the company offered bangles February 2020 class A few weeks after “Shark Tank,” the pandemic lockdowns went into effect, and suddenly “everyone wants toilet paper and exercise equipment,” says Bala co-founder Nathalie Holloway.

Soon, other versions, with the same aesthetic and silicone design, appeared on the shelves of Amazon and retail stores.

In recent years, fitness personalities and social media influencers have promoted the benefits of wrist weights. Beyond the Bala, there’s a variety of other styles, including sweatwear options from Nike and leather wraps from workout mogul Tracy Anderson.

Fitness entrepreneur Katie Austin Today, the younger Mrs. Austin teaches classes wearing a bangle.

“They’ve become more up-to-date and smarter in practice,” she says, but the idea remains that they’re an amazing indoor muscle trainer.

Wrist weights can provide some real health and fitness benefits, but not in the way viral TikTok videos suggest.

Fitness influencers often claim that wrist weights “tone” your arm muscles—basically, they make your arms look firmer and toned, with visible muscle definition.

But experts say the whole concept of toning — also known as “spot toning,” or doing exercises to target specific parts of the body to make them misshapen — is a myth.

“Muscles can get bigger or smaller, but you can’t really ‘tone’ a muscle,” says Miriam Fried, a personal trainer in New York City. At best, she says, “you can build muscle and then maybe lose a little bit of fat so that muscle is more visible.”

Just wearing wrist weights while walking won’t build significant muscle mass, Ms. Fred said.

Prolonged use of wrist weights increases muscle endurance, which improves your athletic performance and makes everyday activities more comfortable, experts say.

If you’ve ever carried grocery bags for more than a few minutes, you know how heavy they can feel — especially if you’re carrying them in your hands instead of over your shoulders.

Wrist weights work similarly, says Kelissa Hall, an exercise physiologist and strength coach at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. “The heavier the weight is on the upper arm, the heavier it feels,” she said.

The extra load on your bones can increase bone strength, experts say. But to avoid overstressing your joints, experts recommend limiting wrist weights to one to three pounds. If you’re concerned about your joints, consider weighted clothing instead. “They reduce the pressure on the hand, and the joints support the foot, but they increase the load of the body weight,” said Mrs. Hall.

Kelly Picciuro, a physical therapist in New York City, says that wearing any weight while walking, doing aerobic exercise — like the elliptical machine or climbing stairs — or going about your daily activities can improve your heart health. (Ms. Picciuro and other experts recommend wearing wrist weights while running, so you don’t overload your joints.)

“It gets your heart rate up at any time and helps increase your heart rate when you’re putting on extra weight,” she says.

As a result, your cardiovascular system works harder, takes in more oxygen and expends more energy than doing the same activity without weights. For more cardio benefits, consider wearing a weighted vest or backpack.

As with all exercises, it’s important to maintain proper form when using wrist weights.

Ms. Picciurro recommends paying special attention to your posture to prevent neck and back pain. Keeping your shoulders down and back and your core tight can help you get more benefits while reducing the risk of injury.

Wrist weights aren’t the instant fitness-boosting miracle tool that some influencers make them out to be. But when worn wisely, they can still be an effective health and fitness tool.