Change the release dates for Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD

Can people calm down now that Nintendo is having a slow year? Nintendo still averages one new first-party release every month (Mario vs DK, Another Code, Princess Peach Showtime, Endless Ocean, TTYD, Luigi’s Mansion 2) and we get a lot of great third-party games too. Nintendo wouldn’t load all of this into the first half of the year unless they still had something big in store for the second half.

It’s still a better year than 2018, where the only Nintendo games were plain Kirby, half-baked Mario Tennis, divisive Mario Party with few boards, and direct ports of Tropical Freeze and Captain Toad with no new content. . It was all year. The only saving grace was Smash Ultimate, coming so late in the year it was practically a 2019 game.

Nintendo always likes to play its cards close to its chest, so even if we don’t get a Switch 2 this year, the rest of the year doesn’t bother me at all. The last game we know of releases in June, and we’ll probably get a Direct to show us what else is in store that month. Now is the time to bring back easy ports/remakes and niche titles.

I think this year we could still get a new Rythm Heaven, Wind Waker + Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 2 and 3, Chibi-Robo 1 and 2 remaster, the rumored Kid Icarus Uprising remaster, and maybe a new Wario Land game . (Though Good Feel won’t be the ones developing it; maybe WayForward, since Nintendo trusted them enough to make Advance Wars). We’ll probably get something from Kirby too, and for that I predict a free NSO exclusive City Trial battle royale.

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