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The internet is full of quick fix weight loss tips: Make this one dietary change and you’ll magically drop 10 pounds!

Lemonade finds itself in that category. Headlines, Instagram posts and TikTok videos tout the drink as a simple “fat burning” diet. But posts of this type are missing one important element: qualified professionals.

“Lemon water is hydrating and acidic — properties that will make you want to go to the bathroom after drinking it,” Virginia Registered Dietitians and Diabetes Educator Carolyn Thomason He tells USA TODAY. “If you weigh yourself before and after you go to the bathroom, sure, you may notice that you have lost weight. But drinking lemon water in the morning will not magically disappear.”

Licensed nutritionists are right about the idea of ​​drinking lemon water for weight loss.

Does lemon water help you lose weight?

The short answer is: no.

“As a nutritionist, I’m not exactly sure where this myth comes from, but there is no magic food or drink that will help you lose body fat,” says Thomas. “Unfortunately, the boring basics still apply to weight loss: diet and exercise are the two most important things that can be changed to lose weight.”

Drinking lemon water still has benefits, including providing vitamin C and potassium and keeping you hydrated.

When there are few Research To suggest that drinking water before meals can help consumers feel fuller and eat less, experts say that adding lemon to water does nothing to help a person lose any pounds.

For those looking to lose weight, Thomason recommends starting with the following daily lifestyle habits.

  • Exercise Walking, strength training a few times a week and increasing heart rate to 150 minutes
  • Nutrition: Emphasizing “increasing protein, fruits and vegetables, switching refined grains to whole grains, and incorporating healthy fats into your diet.”
  • Food tracking “to get a better idea of ​​your daily calorie intake”: While some experts caution that focusing too much on tracking daily calories can lead to disordered eating, Thomasson says, “being aware of your eating habits can help you see clearly where you’re at when it comes to losing weight.” .”

Benefits of drinking lemon water: Alternatives to healthy, hydrating drinks

Who doesn’t drink lemon water?

Acidic drinks like lemon water can cause heartburn in people who are especially susceptible to the disease Acid reflux. There is some research that suggests the citric acid in lemons may also help. Erosion of tooth enamel When used regularly for a long time.

The fastest way to lose weight? Let’s change the perspective.