
Adding some garlic to your diet every now and then, whether freshly chopped, minced, or infused with oil, has been shown to help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

A meta-analysis of 22 previous studies that included 29 randomized controlled trials conducted by researchers from Southeast University and China’s Xizang Minzhu University confirms that garlic consumption is associated with lower glucose levels and certain types of fat molecules.

Glucose and fat are key nutrients for the body, they provide energy and are the basis of various building blocks. Modern foods often lead to good things, which increase health problems. Many other lifestyle choices, from alcohol consumption to exercise, can also affect the amount of sugar and fat in the body.

“Glucose and lipid metabolism are properly regulated in healthy individuals”. Write The researchers in their published article.

“Glucose and lipid metabolism disorders can lead to many chronic diseases, including atherosclerosis, diabetes and fatty liver disease.”

Garlic has long been associated with good health, and has been Already connected to lipid regulation as well Glucose levels in individual studies.

Overall, the team found the results to be positive. Those who included garlic in their diet were found to have lower blood glucose levels, better markers of long-term glucose control, more ‘good’ cholesterol called high-density lipoprotein (HDLs) and so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol. Cholesterol, or low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), and lowers total cholesterol levels.

Interestingly, triglyceride levels did not seem to be affected.

The data isn’t strong enough to prove direct cause and effect — just chewing a lot of garlic can directly reduce heart disease risk — but the association strongly suggests that the common herb may be a good way to control glucose and lipid levels.

More research and more focused studies will help explain exactly what is going on here. The trials included in the meta-analysis lasted from three weeks to a year and included studies using different types of garlic, including raw garlic, aged garlic extract, and garlic powder tablets.

“The results showed that garlic has a beneficial effect on blood glucose and blood lipids in humans, and their association was statistically significant.” Write The researchers.

As for why this association occurs, it is thought that the different active ingredients in garlic are helping in different ways Reducing oxidative stress – A type of wear and tear on cells that leads to issues such as cardiovascular disease.

Garlic contains an antioxidant compound called allin, which has Already connected To regulate blood glucose, blood lipids and the gut microbiome. A combination of effects may be producing the results shown here.

It’s clear that our diets go a long, long way in influencing our health outlook, for better or for worse. Now there are more reasons to include garlic in our diet.

“[The study] It provides new ideas for the development of natural products in diseases related to glycolipid metabolism; Write The researchers.

The study was published in Nutritious foods.