Google Translate is getting support for 110 new languages

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Google launched Google Translate in 2006. Since then, the company has been slowly and steadily adding support for more languages ​​to the platform. Last month, the company added support for 24 new languages ​​to it, bringing the total number of supported languages ​​to 133.

However, Google has never added as many languages ​​to Google Translate as it does now. There is Google announced Google Translate owns “the greatest expansion“. The company is adding support for 110 new languages, bringing the total number of supported languages ​​to 243.

In comparison, Apple Translate supports 20 languages ​​and Microsoft Translator supports 135 languages. This gives Google an advantage among the top three players.

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Google Translate now supports a total of 243 languages

According to Google, it achieved this feat with the help of the company’s PaLM 2 large language model. Some of the newly supported languages ​​include Afar, Cantonese, Manx, NKo, Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Tamazight (Amazigh), and Tok Pisin.

Goog says 110 newly added languages ​​”It represents more than 614 million speakers and provides translation for approximately 8% of the world’s population.

Google further added that “Some are major world languages ​​with over 100 million speakers. Others are spoken by small communities of indigenous people, and a few have almost no native language but active revitalization efforts.

A quarter of the 110 languages ​​come from Africa, including Fon, Kikongo, Luo, Ga, Swati, Venda and Wolof, making it the largest expansion of African languages ​​on Google Translate to date.

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