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US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) He released new information. Addressing the association, or lack thereof, between covid-19 vaccination and sudden cardiac death in healthy young adults.

The assessment, Conducted between June 2021 and December 2022, it examined death certificates and immunization records of 1,292 Oregon deaths between the ages of 16 and 30 who died of “cardiac or unexplained” causes.

“The data do not support the use of the Covid-19 vaccine for sudden cardiac death in previously healthy young adults,” the CDC concluded. The vaccine is still recommended for everyone over 6 months of age.

Incorrect health information: Four years after Covid, misinformation still threatens the health of some Americans. This is the reason.

CDC studies cardiac mortality and covid vaccine.

In 2021, when the vaccine was given to young adults, there were reports of myocarditis, particularly in young men, he said in his analysis. It is usually caused by a viral infection and causes swelling and damage to the heart muscle.

These reports, combined with media coverage after reports of sudden deaths in previously healthy young athletes believed to be caused by the vaccine, prompted the CDC to launch an investigation.

Using death certificates and mandatory immunization records from Oregon, the CDC classified people ages 16 to 30 as “sudden death,” “arrhythmia,” “dysrhythmia,” “asystole,” “cardiac arrest,” “myocarditis, “congestive heart failure,” ” Unknown” “Unknown” or “Pending.

The 1,292 Oregon cases were separated by sex: 925 (72%) were men and 367 (28%) were women. Investigators pulled records of these subjects’ mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations in the 100 days before their deaths.

  • Of the 925 young people in the study, two received the mRNA covid vaccine within 100 days of their death, and a heart scan could not rule out the cause of death, the study found.
  • Of the 367 young women in the study, one received the mRNA covid vaccine within 100 days of her death, and a heart scan could not rule out a cause of death, the study found.

Fact Check: No, the DNA fragments in the Covid-19 vaccines are not linked to ‘major safety issues’.

Risk of heart issues is higher after covid infection, not the vaccine: CDC

In the year As of July 17, 2023, no fatal myocarditis cases have been reported to VAERS in Oregon. Additionally, between May 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022, a total of 979,289 COVID-19 vaccinations were administered to Oregonians ages 16 to 30.

CDC data collected from 40 US health care systems between January 2021 and January 2022 showed that the risk of heart problems in people over 5 years old was higher after a covid-19 infection than after a covid-19 vaccine.

These findings are consistent with previous studies on the safety and efficacy of the mRNA vaccine. Therefore, the CDC recommends vaccinations and booster shots for people over six months of age to prevent COVID-19 and serious complications or death.