‘Male Menopause’: Understanding Hormonal Changes in Men

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The age-related decline in testosterone can seriously affect sexual function and physical characteristics in men as they get older.

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Like women, men experience significant hormonal changes as they age, particularly in their testosterone levels. Understanding “male menopause” is the key to maintaining health and life in the years to come.

Testosterone, which is very important for the development of male sexual characteristics, increases with age and then naturally decreases. Testosterone production increases during puberty and continues to increase until age 30. Levels may begin to decline by 1% per year. After 30. By age 70, some men may have as much as 50% less testosterone than when the numbers were at their peak.

Testosterone affects men and women differently due to its different levels and role in sex. Age-related decline in the primary hormone in men can significantly affect sexual function and physical characteristics. Women with naturally low testosterone experience milder effects as their bodies adjust to hormonal changes during life events such as menstruation and menopause. Despite its low levels, testosterone in women is important for bone health, muscle repair and energy.

Male menopause, or andropause, is not just a myth. 2 in 10 men over the age of 60 suffer from low testosterone levels. According to the American Urological Association. This number increases from 10 men to 3 in the 70s and 80s. Symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, mood swings, erectile dysfunction, and physical changes can greatly affect quality of life.

The new year is a good time for a health check. If you’re over 40 and experiencing symptoms like low energy or decreased libido, consider getting your testosterone levels checked. In the year According to a 2018 study, only 5% of men with low testosterone receive treatment New England Research Institutes. This low number is largely due to the fact that most men do not receive annual screenings, which may prevent treatment and the detection of important health conditions.

Treatment for low testosterone, also known as testosterone replacement therapy or TRT, is aimed at improving symptoms such as low libido, fatigue and loss of muscle mass. Topical gels and creams are applied to the skin to ensure timely hormone levels, but care must be taken to prevent skin-to-skin transfer. Testosterone injections every few weeks are effective but can cause fluctuations in hormone levels. Patches provide a fixed daily dose and are an option for those who prefer not to use gels or injections. Testosterone capsules, implanted under the skin, provide a long-term solution, releasing constant doses for several months. New oral testosterone drugs have also recently entered the market as an alternative to TRT.

Choosing the right type of TRT involves consideration of individual preferences, medical history, and lifestyle and should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Medical supervision during TRT is very important to adjust the dose and monitor possible side effects, which include acne, sleep apnea, blood clots and increased heart disease. Men with a history of prostate or breast cancer are typically recommended with TRT.

Treating low testosterone is not just hormone therapy. Lifestyle plays an important role. Obesity is associated with low testosterone levels. A 2015 review Overweight men are more likely to suffer from low testosterone, and losing weight can increase testosterone levels.

Regular exercise, a balanced diet and good sleep aren’t just good for your body. These habits help maintain healthy testosterone levels. 2024 can start with not only your fitness goals, but also a holistic approach to your health by checking your hormone levels.

Dr. Jamin Brabhat is a urologist and robotic surgeon with Orlando Health and past president of the Florida Urological Society.

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