Microplastic invades the genitals, says a study

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They are microplastics Appearing everywhere, including your body. More specifically, in your penis, if you have one.

A study published this month by Journal of Impotence Research It was found – according to researchers – microplastics in the vagina were found for the first time. Microplastics are the breakdown of plastic products less than five millimeters in length in our daily life. Consider leftovers from water bottles or food containers.

The theory is that by drinking from plastic water bottles or eating food in plastic containers, people are taking microplastics accumulated in the body. In addition, these tiny particles can be inhaled or exposed directly through the skin. “These particles can enter our bodies through the atmosphere, drinking water and sea salt, or indirectly through the food chain,” the study said.

But “whether or not these will have any impact on people’s lives is a big question,” he says. Dr. Bobak BerukhimUrologist and director of male obstetrics and microsurgery at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who was not involved in the study. “There have been a few studies that have found microplastics in other parts of the body, including the heart and sperm.”

of Research remains inconclusive How about Microplastic It can affect people, but it is fair to say that strange things of this nature are not a big sign.

“We’re not sure what this means yet, but the plastics aren’t there,” Berukheim said. “This is not something that people know must be. We’re in there.”

What is happening with microplastics and genitalia?

The researchers involved in the study recruited a handful of patients who were scheduled for penile transplant surgery – a surgery performed on patients with severe erectile dysfunction that means they are not responding to drug treatment or are unhappy with prescribed medications. When they put the implant in, they take a small sample of penile muscle tissue and examine it for microplastics. They found it in 80% of the samples.

The conclusion? “All that means is that we’re finding plastics in human tissue and in penile tissue as well,” Berrochim says. “It doesn’t say that these plastics play a role in erectile dysfunction.”

The study represents the level of understanding of microplastics. In terms of men’s reproductive health, “there is some evidence to suggest that sperm count and fertility rates are decreasing over time,” Berukheim says. “And so the question is, well, what kind of environmental factors might be contributing to this? So people are looking at it, and one of the things we’re looking at is this whole concept of microplastics, so it’s in reproductive health. Or heart health or cardiovascular[cardiovascular)healthorinotherarenasthat’swhatwe’retryingtofigureoutatthispoint

To understand whether microplastics are leading to erectile dysfunction in these patients, you’ll need healthy volunteers to participate, though Berukim speculates that “you’re going to have a hard time recruiting patients to agree.”

Where to focus your energy if you have fertility and erectile problems

For those concerned about fertility, Berukheim does not recommend that patients stop drinking from plastic water bottles (the study specifically cites previous research on the effects of microplastics on sperm production and quality). Lifestyle changes such as moderate exercise and a healthy diet are often first-line recommendations. Regarding erectile dysfunction, “If patients begin to experience erectile dysfunction and there is no component of stress or performance anxiety, there may be something else going on.”

shock wave therapy; Erectile dysfunction may help, but it’s shrouded in shame.

Men’s cramping is a good indicator of cardiovascular disease, Berukheim says, so if you’re in the early stages of heart disease, recommendations might include exercising or quitting smoking.

And when it comes to microplastics, stay tuned for evolving research. But now: “It’s an interesting study, it gives something to build on.”

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