E8R15Kj A Disease Typically Restricted To Dogs Has Now Transmitted To Humans In The

Mysterious Dog Disease Is Spreading In America.  Veterinary Experts Say It Is Dangerous

Dog owners can take steps to keep their pets healthy.

A mysterious disease is spreading among dogs in America. according to CBS, hundreds of pets in more than 10 states have been affected by the deadly respiratory disease. The mysterious illness is described as an “uncommon canine infectious respiratory disease,” the Oregon Department of Agriculture said in a news release.

In Oregon alone, veterinarians have reported more than 200 cases since mid-August. Other cases have been reported in Colorado, Illinois and New Hampshire.

“Based on the epidemiology of the cases reported at this point, the cases appear to share a viral etiology, but routine respiratory testing is usually negative,” Oregon State Veterinarian Dr. Ryan Scholz told the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Dr. David B., a pathologist at the New Hampshire Veterinary Medicine Laboratory and a clinical associate professor at the University of New Hampshire. CNN Dogs with cryptic disease exhibit symptoms similar to upper respiratory tract disease but do not test positive for common respiratory tract disease.

“Mortality does not appear to be a major factor in the syndrome we are investigating,” Dr. Needle told the media. “We think these may indicate secondary infections.”

“If it is pathogenic, the bacteria may be host-adapted bacteria with a long history of infecting dogs,” Dr Needle said. An “evolutionary event” such as a spontaneous mutation, or the acquisition of a gene from a different source, could have turned the bacterium into a virus, he said.

Dog owners can take steps to keep their pets healthy.

The Oregon Veterinary Medical Association website states, “Periodic outbreaks of Canine Infectious Diseases (CIRDC) can occur in the canine population. At least nine different bacteria and viruses are the causes of CIRDC transmitted by respiratory droplets.”

“Infection with more than one bacterial or viral agent is common. The symptoms are coughing, sneezing, nasal and / or eye discharge and depression. If your dog shows these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian,” said the association.

Steps to take to protect dog’s health:-

– Minimize contact with large numbers of unfamiliar dogs.

– Reduce contact with sick dogs. If a dog seems sick, it is best to keep your dog away.

– Remove common water tanks

– Keep sick dogs at home and seek veterinary care.

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