
Overwatch 2 Character Sombra Seems Deep In Thought.

Image: A blizzard

A battle hero shooter this coming weekend, January 12-14 Overwatch 2 will replace the popular Quick Play mode with Quick Play: Hacked, a lightning-fast version of the base game inspired by the hacker character. Sombra. Arcade and Competitive mode will not be affected by this change.

according to Blizzard’s blog post announcing a new mode, this is the first in a planned series of Quick Play: Hacked events. “We want to explore new and fun ways to change the core Quick Play game. Changes will occur periodically and for a limited time only,” the blog post reads.

Read more: Overwatch 2 A Trail of Broken Promises Left in 2023

Quicked Play: Hacked will cause:

  • Respawn times are now 75 percent of their original time
  • Payloads will move 60 percent faster on Escort and Hybrid maps
  • Aim Point control in Hybrid is 40 percent faster than normal
  • Controlling an objective point in control is 40 percent faster than normal, and collecting capture progress percentage is 80 percent faster than normal.
  • In Flashpoint, controlling the objective point is 20 percent faster than normal, and gaining capture progress percentage is 40 percent faster than normal.
  • When you play an Escort, Hybrid, or Push map, the initial alignment time is reduced to 70 percent of the original time, and any time extensions are reduced to 70 percent of the total time added.
  • These changes only apply to all players playing in Role-Playing and Open-Turn Quick Play modes during the event and will revert to normal after January 14th. Competitive Play and Arcade modes are not affected by these changes.

Blizzard’s choice to completely replace Quick Play has been met with strong criticism from fans, as it is the primary mode for many. Overwatch 2 players. Quick Play is where they go to try out new strategies, train new heroes, and hone their skills without the pressures of Competitive Mode. Personally, I never play it because I’m a masochist and like to try (and fail) to get my rank every time I open the game. But removing Quick Play entirely means depriving a large portion of your player base of the only way they play. Blizzard seems to have a blog post asking and answering the question of whether or not to include a hack in Quick Play: Arcade mode.

Arcade is usually reserved for game modes that play only one specific map type (such as Assault) or completely different ways to play Overwatch. Fast Gameplay: The hacked changes affect the core gameplay of our core mode, while also aiming to bring a more balanced gameplay experience unique to the traditional ruleset.

This is a satisfying answer for legions Overwatch 2 players stuck around through Go to 5v5the sunset Overwatch 1with free paid model adoption predatory pricingor losing the promised PvE mode? You tell me.