Research Shows Balancing Body Clock Therapy Increases Cancer-Fighting Power

The study shows how this disruption of the internal body clock reduces the effectiveness of the immune system.

Scientists have found that timing cancer treatment based on the patient’s body clock improves the effectiveness of treatment. A study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, found that the body’s natural 24-hour cycle affects the immune system’s ability to fight cancer. The researchers found that disrupting circadian rhythm activity reduces the immune system’s ability to fight cancer. These findings suggest that both lifestyle changes and treatment regimens may be beneficial in the fight against cancer.

The study, published online by Journal Nature Immunology,It provides a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between the circadian clock, immune regulation, and tumor growth, and a therapeutic approach that improves daily delivery may provide new avenues for prevention and treatment based on an individual’s unique circadian patterns.

“Disruption of intrinsic biological heart rate regulation is a natural feature of modern society that may contribute to the occurrence of many types of cancer. We recognize that proper regulation of circadian rhythms is essential to inhibit inflammation and support optimal immune function.” Correspondent author Selma Masri, UC Irvine Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry. “Understanding exactly how circadian disruption promotes disease progression may lead to behavioral changes to reduce cancer risk.”

“As we advance our understanding of the fundamental mechanism of circadian immune regulation, we can harness the power of the body’s natural rhythms to fight cancer and develop more personalized and effective therapies,” said UC lead author Bridget Fortin. Irvine doctoral student in the Department of Biological Chemistry.

While this study represents a major step forward in identifying circadian anti-tumor immunity, the team believes that future research should focus on identifying additional factors and cell types that influence the circadian response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy.