Reverse 1999 Ranking January 2024: Best Characters

Reverse: 1999 Tier List

S-Tier: The best of the best

News: These individuals stand out as the most fearsome, skilled and deadly fighters in the game.

A-Tier: The strongest characters

While they may not match the strength of the S-Tiers, their presence remains essential to any team, and selecting them is critical to success.

B-Level: Solid characters

These characters fulfill specific roles in the group, whether healing, upgrading, or weakening. Even if they don’t reach the scale of the S- and A-Tiers, their contribution to the war is still significant.

C-Level: The lowest level characters

Choose these characters as a last resort. However, they can prove useful if used effectively.


1. Ezra Theodore: A 6-star character known for his shield and support abilities. But be careful as their durability is limited.

2. Tooth Fairy: A 6-star character who specializes in healing, critical hits, and stealth.

3. Voyager: This 6-star support character has a lot of counter and control abilities, making them uniquely adaptable.

4. Rule: A 6-star character with the “Restless Heart” trait that effectively fulfills both support and DPS functions.


1. Baby Blue: A 5-star character in the support realm, emphasizing debuffs and DPS.

2. Bloony: A 5-star character for explosive damage, consistent DPS, and zoom abilities.

3. Charlie: This 5-star character is recognized for removing abilities, inflicting mental damage, and continuous DPS.

4. Matilda: A 5-star character that specializes in dealing damage, mental damage, and sustained DPS.


1. Eric: A 4-star character focused on disabling, DPS, and support roles.

2. Oliver Fogg: Another 4-star character who excels in defense, support, and defense.

3. TTT: 4-star character’s ability to disable, defend and counter.

4. Apple: A 4-star character that focuses on healing, DPS, and damage output.


1. CaliEnT: 3-star feature with control, prevention and control capabilities.

2. The Fool: Another 3-star character with defense, counter, and defensive speed.

3. Sputnik: This 3-star feature has defensive and control capabilities.

4. Onion: A 3-star character that focuses on debugging, DPS, and defense.

Please remember that this ranking list reflects our personal preferences and play style. Individual levels may vary from one player to another, so feel free to choose characters lower in the list if you feel they fit your strategy. Evaluate your requirements and decide wisely. Best wishes for you in reverse: 1999 journey!

Questions to be asked

Q: Is this ranking list reliable?

A: This ranking list reflects our personal preferences and play style, so results may vary between players.

Q: Are low level characters worth it in combat situations?

A: Certainly low level characters can be useful when used effectively and when matched with your combat strategies.

Q: Should other aspects influence the choice of characters?

A: Absolutely, consider your unique needs and play style to make well-informed decisions when assembling your team.

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