- Richard Bloomer examines the health claims made by supplement manufacturers for a living.
- He said there are some great ingredients that can be used alongside a healthy lifestyle.
- Bloomer takes vitamin D for metabolic health and fish oil to heart.
Richard Bloomer has been studying supplements and how safe or effective they are for over two decades.
He founded the Center for Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplement Research at the University of Memphis, a laboratory that tests products to achieve the benefits they claim, partly out of personal interest in their health and partly to provide consumers with accurate information. .
According to the American Medical Association, the supplement industry has grown in recent years, with studies showing that more than half of US adults take such products. In the year By 2028, the market will reach $308 billion worldwide, according to Statista.
Supplements are not regulated by the FDA before drugs enter the market, which makes it difficult to navigate the market.
“There are probably a lot more supplements that aren’t worth our time and money, but I think there are a lot of things that are worth it. It’s just a matter of finding out which ones are worth it and why,” Bloomer told Business Insider.
He’s been using supplements for years, focusing on eating a healthy diet, exercising five times a week, and getting good quality sleep — and he emphasizes the importance of all three.
“These are things that I think are very important and additions don’t replace those in my mind,” he said.
However, research has found evidence to suggest that certain ingredients can improve various aspects of health, such as physical fitness and cardiometabolic health.
Bloomer shares the four supplements that take his health from good to great.
Fish oil
Bloomer says he takes a good quality fish oil daily for heart health and inflammation prevention.
It uses a liquid form containing a combination of the omega-three fatty acids EPA and DHA and mixes it into a smoothie or meal replacement drink.
“It tastes really good, it’s not fishy at all, but orange or lemony, and it does a good job,” he said.
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to be good for heart health in a number of ways, including lowering blood triglycerides, lowering cholesterol, reducing plaque build-up, hardening and narrowing arteries, and lowering blood pressure. , at the base of Mount Sinai.
Fish oil has anti-inflammatory effects, some evidence suggests that it may prevent muscle soreness and the effects of exercise. One small study found that men who took three grams of fish oil capsules a day for four weeks had less muscle soreness after working out than those who didn’t.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus and is needed for healthy teeth, bones and muscles. Although you can get it from certain foods such as egg yolks and red meat, sunlight is the best source.
Bloomer says he takes 1,000 international units of vitamin D3 every day because most people in the United States are deficient.
“I’m out of good. So for me, and my blood count checked, a thousand is about right.” However, he advised people to talk to a healthcare provider to get the right dosage.
He also took vitamin D3 for its beneficial metabolic effects, he said. Studies show that people with low vitamin D levels and obesity are at greater risk of developing metabolic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Bloomer takes a good quality multivitamin every day, knowing the body of evidence suggests it has no benefit.
“If people say, well, it just comes out in the urine, they’re probably right. A lot of things you don’t need come out in the urine, but that’s a cheap insurance policy.”
He added, “There is some literature suggesting that a few cents a day may benefit people who are very active and prone to high levels of stress.”
As Business Insider previously reported, emerging evidence suggests that multivitamin supplements may improve memory in people over 60.
Protein powder
To make sure he gets enough protein throughout the day, Bloomer drinks two to three protein shakes a day. Protein is important for many bodily functions, including muscle growth and maintenance.
“I think it’s a great way for people on the go and busy people to make sure they’re getting good quality food without having to sit down and eat it,” he said. “It’s relatively cheap, and you can get really good quality proteins these days.”
Bloomer said he uses whey isolate because it seems to reach the muscles faster. But in the past, he used soybeans, peas, eggs and other protein powders. “Most powders, I think the quality is pretty decent,” he said.