Best High Protein Foods To Eat For Breakfast According To A Dietitian 3Cc961E48E0E4218Bf3A3Fd9F3B39065

Many traditional breakfast options—toast, cereal, bagels, and pastries—are high in carbohydrates and low in protein. Carbohydrates in particular are easy to reach for because they provide a quick energy boost. However, carbohydrates can make you feel hungry more quickly.

Adding protein to breakfast has many benefits, including increased fullness and satiety. Protein is also needed for overall health. “Protein makes up most of our cells, organs and muscles. The amount of protein we store fluctuates constantly, so it’s best to spread your protein intake throughout the day to meet your body’s needs. Patricia Kolesa, MS, RDN, founder of Dietitian Dish LLC. This starts with eating high protein foods at breakfast.

We spoke with Colesa and other nutritionists about how to eat more protein-packed foods and incorporate them into your morning meal.

Ali Redmond

Benefits of eating protein at breakfast

It provides long lasting power

Although carbs can give you a quick boost, protein tends to stick around. “Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, which means we feel fuller and more satisfied than if we just reached for some fruit for breakfast,” he says. Katherine Karnatz, MPH, RDNutrition Education RD Owner.

Because eating protein at breakfast makes you feel fuller longer, “protein can reduce snacking before lunch and prevent overeating later,” he adds. Lilian Nwora, RD, CDCESRegistered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.

It helps control blood sugar

Research shows that protein at breakfast helps control blood sugar levels. “Eating protein at breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar levels and prevents morning jitters and brain fog,” says Nwora.

Even better: the benefits are long-lasting. “A high-protein breakfast has been shown to lower postprandial blood glucose levels after lunch and dinner,” he adds. Eliza Whitaker, MS, RDN, nutritionist and medical nutrition consultant for dietitian insights. She also pointed out that lowering blood sugar levels after a meal can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Improves heart health

People who prioritize protein at breakfast have better heart health. Some protein sources provide unhealthy fats while promoting healthy cholesterol levels, so it’s important to choose protein foods wisely. Adding protein to breakfast is associated with lower blood pressure and increased HDL (good) cholesterol, he says Sheri Gaw, RDN, CDCESa registered dietitian and spokesperson for Nutritionist Insights.

Builds and repairs muscle

Eating protein at breakfast and throughout the day can prevent muscle loss and promote weight loss. “If you exercise first thing in the morning, eating a high-protein breakfast will help you refuel and support muscle growth and recovery,” says Karnatz.

Best high-protein foods for breakfast

1. Greek yogurt

“Incorporating Greek yogurt into your breakfast is a surefire way to jumpstart your day with a satisfying dose of protein,” says Gau. A 7-ounce serving of Greek yogurt adds 20 grams of protein to your morning meal.

Greek yogurt provides probiotics. “Probiotics support healthy gut microbiota, which strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of systemic inflammation and chronic disease,” adds Gau.

Check out our Nut and Berry Parfait for inspiration. Or try these high-protein strawberry and peanut butter overnight oats.

2. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese has recently gained popularity on social media thanks to its high protein content. One cup of cottage cheese provides 25 grams of protein. “Cottage cheese is a great choice because it’s full of other important vitamins and minerals like potassium, calcium and vitamin B12,” says Kolesa.

Cottage cheese is versatile and can be sweet or savory. “Add delicious flavor to scrambled eggs, spread on whole-grain toast, or enjoy as a fruit bowl,” suggests Colesa. We especially love our Cottage Cheese Snack Jar.

3. Egg

Eggs are a complete protein source, providing 9 essential amino acids that your body cannot make on its own. There are 6 grams of protein in one egg. “Eggs are a versatile and relatively cost-effective way to add extra protein to breakfast,” says Nwora. She suggests our Shakshuka with Roasted Tomatoes or an Omelette for a low-fat, high-protein breakfast.

4. Tofu

Tofu may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we think of breakfast foods, but it is a versatile ingredient that can easily be included in any recipe.

One half cup (about 126 grams) of tofu contains 22 grams of protein and less than 2 grams of saturated fat. “It’s a leaner, higher-protein option to start your day with instead of traditional eggs and dairy,” says Whittaker. Plus, you’ll get unsaturated fats that are good for your heart and plant-based probiotics for gut health, she adds. Research shows that plant compounds called isoflavones found in tofu are responsible for many of its health benefits.8

She suggests a scrambled tofu breakfast burrito, this tofu and vegetable scramble, or combining silken tofu with milk or yogurt.

5. Salmon

Salmon is a great source of protein, with 17 grams per 3-ounce serving. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and other nutrients that support overall health. Omega-3s improve heart health by reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol, and making blood vessels more elastic.

For ideas for incorporating salmon into breakfast, try this non-traditional breakfast salad with smoked salmon and poached eggs or these Whole Bagel Salmon Bites.

6. Land Turkey

Ground turkey is a lean protein source often used in lunch and dinner recipes, but it’s also a great option for breakfast! One 4-ounce serving of 93% lean ground turkey has 20 grams of protein. It also provides essential nutrients such as B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

Ground turkey is a great substitute for bacon and sausage in omelets, crumbles, and breakfast casseroles because it’s low in saturated fat. Use leftovers the night before for added convenience.

7. Ready-to-drink protein shakes

Most nutritionists recommend eating a diet first, but protein shakes are a convenient option for busy mornings. If you get most of your protein needs from food, it’s best to use a protein supplement.

Most ready-to-drink protein shakes contain 20 to 30 grams of protein. Nwora suggests using a protein shake like milk for your cereal or as cream in your coffee. “They’re great for your morning commute. You can have breakfast in your car, in your purse or in your bag,” she says.

Bottom line

Protein is an important nutrient that should be part of every breakfast. It gives long-lasting energy, makes you feel full and satisfied for a long time. People who regularly eat protein at breakfast have better blood sugar control and improved heart health. Aim for a nutritious diet that includes protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber, and consider including foods like eggs, salmon, ground turkey, and tofu in your breakfast.