0Pn5F018 Sherri

Us Teacher Amputations 'Weakened By Disease'

Doctors had to amputate her arms and legs after saving her life.

A high school teacher in Texas, USA, died after having her arms and legs cut off and turned black, according to a newspaper report. New York Post. During a class trip in April 2023, Sherry Moody, 51, a teacher in Deer Park, felt what she initially believed was a chill, but ignored it.

However, a few days later she developed a high fever. She visited the hospital after waking up one night with difficulty breathing. “I’ve never been to the ER before in my life. I was very healthy, in great shape. I ate right and exercised,” she said.

After an examination, the doctors found out that he was suffering from double pneumonia. It is caused by streptococcus, a bacteria that causes sore throat.

Doctors determined she was suffering from double pneumonia, which they said was caused by streptococcus, the bacteria that causes strep throat. Her body went into septic shock, a fatal reaction to an infection that causes a severe drop in blood pressure.

Her husband, David, said: “I had to Google what sepsis was. I have no idea. We’re healthy people. I realized very quickly that we were in a very serious situation. I was scared to death.”

The arthritis medication she was taking made Sherry’s body’s resistance to infection worse. “She had nothing to lose. It’s like she went to war without any soldiers,” he said.

After falling into a coma, the 51-year-old was treated with drugs to restore blood flow to her vital organs, but not her arms and legs. “I actually saw my wife’s legs and arms die,” David said.

Images from the hospital show the woman lying in bed, her legs blackened and tubes running from her body. “They were black and they were dead,” he added.

After doctors saved her life, Sherri’s arms and legs had to be amputated below the knees and ankles. After being amputated in June 2023, she returned home in August.

David is now retired to care for his wife full-time. The couple is now trying to choose happiness over trouble. “I just choose to be happy. It doesn’t mean I don’t have a breakdown every now and then and it’s just a little bit of crying. I don’t let it go on for too long,” Sherry said.

David added: “She’s amazing. I’ve been through a lot of struggles, and we both talk about our blessings together. We talk about what’s right in our day, in our lives.”