Tokido was already seen playing crazy games with Akuma against online players in Street Fighter 6

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Akuma was recently made playable in Street Fighter 6. To no one’s surprise, Rohot|Tokido has already started the fight to become the #1 Akuma in the world.

Uploaded to YouTube by gameplay footage of Tokido’s Akuma FGC location. It’s still early, of course, but Tokido is already moving forward with his old core game in Street Fighter 6.

Throughout the video, Tokido confronts Kimberly, Ken, and Manon. He even faces another Akuma player for a mirror match.

It is important to understand that Akuma Tokido is not the only thing he learns during this online session. With the new patch, every character has been drastically changed.

Still, it’s pretty clear that Tokido already has a basic game plan in action. Akuma has a great chance with his normals and his projectiles are hard to counter. As such, opponents have a hard time dealing with Akuma’s options at all ranges.

Tokido even incorporates Akuma’s new command grip during special interactions. Check it all out in the video below:

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