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A heat wave can disrupt daily activities, including an exercise program. If you can’t find time to exercise due to intense heat or some other unavoidable reason and you can’t be afraid of piling on the kilos, you don’t need to worry. An expert shares healthy and effective ways to lose weight without exercise. Prolonged periods of inactivity, however, are dangerous and can harm your health. If for some reason you can’t find time to hit the gym or go for a walk, there are other aspects of health that can help you lose weight. (Also Read: Climbing Stairs And Walking; Which Is The Best Exercise For Weight Loss?)

If for some reason you can’t hit the gym or find time to walk, there are other health aspects that can help you lose weight (Freepik).

Many people tend to gain weight due to stress or lack of sleep. By managing these two factors, one can lose weight well. Eating a diet rich in protein and fiber can help you lose weight because it helps curb cravings and keep you fuller for longer. Drinking 7-8 glasses of water will ensure that you don’t mistake thirst for hunger. This also helps in improving your metabolism. Cutting back on sugary foods and drinks is a very effective way to lose weight without exercise.

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“As the temperature rises, shedding those extra pounds can seem like an uphill battle, especially for those who find it challenging to incorporate exercise into their routine. But with strategic diet and lifestyle changes, achieving weight loss goals without hitting the gym is completely possible. At Merengo Asia Hospitals, Gurugram Dr. Neeti Sharma, Senior Consultant, Nutrition and Dietetics.

Summer weight loss tips

Dr. Sharma shares eight effective ways to lose weight this summer without exercise.

1. Stay hydrated: Often, thirst can be mistaken for hunger. By staying adequately hydrated throughout the day, you can curb unnecessary snacking and maintain a healthy metabolism. Choose water-rich foods like cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes to increase hydration.

2. Class control; Healthy eating is key to weight management. Be aware of portion sizes and avoid overeating, especially at summer gatherings and barbecues. Use smaller plates to train your brain to feel satisfied with less food.

3. Prioritize protein; Include protein sources in your diet to promote satiety and muscle preservation. Foods like grilled chicken, fish, tofu, and lentils are great options to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

4. Embrace fruits and vegetables; Load up on seasonal fruits and vegetables that are low in calories and packed with essential nutrients. These fiber-rich foods not only aid in digestion, but also help you feel fuller for longer, making you less likely to overeat.

5. Limit sugary drinks: Sugary drinks like soda, fruit juice, and sweetened iced tea can contribute to unwanted weight gain. Choose options like infused water, unsweetened herbal tea, or sparkling water with citrus for a refreshing taste.

6. Remember to snack. Swap processed snacks for healthier options like nuts, seeds, Greek yogurt, or popped popcorn. These snacks provide a satisfying snack while providing essential nutrients and controlling calorie intake.

7. Get enough sleep; Quality sleep is critical to weight management as it regulates hunger hormones and supports overall metabolic health. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to facilitate weight loss efforts.

8. Managing stress; Chronic stress can sabotage weight loss efforts by triggering emotional eating and promoting fat storage, especially around the midsection. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or hobbies to encourage relaxation and support weight loss goals.

By implementing these simple and effective strategies, you can achieve your weight loss goals without the need for vigorous exercise. Remember, consistency is key, and making sustainable lifestyle changes will yield long-term results.

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