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The conversation

Dry scalp? Blocked ears? Puffy eyes? Our body produces many different, unusual, sometimes protective secretions, and their function is not always completely clear. But each of them has its own important role, which is often not appreciated.

Flat or dry scalp is a very common condition., but in severe cases it certainly does not feel light. Put aside thoughts that it is due to poor hygiene – the root cause is not completely clear, but it can be aggravated by drying or irritating hair care methods. Known dandruff flakes are made up of clumps of cells, resulting from dry skin.

The outer layer of the skin (epidermis) is made up of dead cells An important protective barrier. Dead cells are easily shed and the skin is constantly renewed and replaced with new ones as it grows. If this happens too quickly, the result is dandruff.

The first measure is to try an over-the-counter, anti-dandruff shampoo. These anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory compounds are known to both have dandruff-healing properties, as fungi and inflammation are believed to be potential causes of scaly scalp growth. These compounds — such as selenium and charcoal — also help relieve itching symptoms that can often be worse than hives.

If the first one doesn’t work, it’s worth trying a different formula. As in some cases psoriasis And eczema may be the underlying cause and may require alternative treatment.

Itching is the body’s natural response to an injury. A cut, puncture, or break in the skin opens blood vessels to the atmosphere around us. In turn, the circulation recruits the clotting agents – platelets – to help plug the gap. Platelets can cause further damage by clumping blood cells together to form a blood clot to stop bleeding and prevent bacteria from entering the bloodstream from the skin. When the clot dries up, itches.

Scalps may seem horrible, but don’t worry — they’re meant to be. Sometimes pus forms, which can make the scab yellow instead of red-brown and indicate an infection. Redness of the intact skin Scaling around and away from the shell is another sign of an infectious disease.

Resist the temptation to pick the itch off the skin, no matter how tempting it may seem. Scabies may be invisible, or itchy, but they’re doing their job – keeping bugs at bay and allowing wounds to heal. Instead, take good care of them, keeping them untouched and clean, and wait for them to shed themselves.

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Sleeping sand. Eye canals. Dose dust. The debris we see in the corner of our eyes every morning goes by many different names. Few of us know exactly what it is, why it’s there, or even its scientific name, the rime.

Tears lubricate the exposed surface of the eye, preventing them from drying out and getting sick. They also clean dirt and dust Natural antibacterial properties To fight infections.

But our eyes are not only tears. The membranes have many small glands that come out Natural oil ingredients It keeps tears from spreading evenly across the eye and preventing them from evaporating. in addition to, mucus secreting glandsJust like snot in the nose, they produce a thin mucus, which helps to trap and destroy rogue particles.

A large amount of oil and mucus can irritate the eye, but it is normal for tears and blinking during the day. At night, our eyes remain closed, and the rim builds up. Whether they take the form of sticky bogies or crusts depends on how dry they are overnight, and how long they sleep.

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Earwax is a largely invisible component – more often felt than seen. Blocked or congested ears, or muffled hearing, and wax in your ears may be causing the problem.

It also has a clinical name – cerumen. in part, It is made of oil and sweat From the glands that cover the ear. Most earwax is keratin, a natural protein that strengthens skin, hair and nails. Because of The ear canal is covered with skin, up to the ear drum. Mixing with the artefacts, the shed skin produces a waxy substance colored in the brown spectrum.

Fresh and healthy earwax tends to be yellow to honey-brown in color, while old but thick earwax is dark brown or even black. Notice the red or green coloring? Then blood or bacteria can mix with the wax. In addition to other tests, this increases the risk of an ear infection, especially if there is fluid or foul-smelling discharge.

Like other body secretions, serum traps debris and other waste (Even insects) can irritate or damage the delicate eardrum. But if the wax builds up or hardens, it blocks the transmission of sound to the eardrum and impairs your hearing.

Nothing from your index finger (with well-trimmed nails) should ever enter your ear canal. Stop cleaning from cotton buds. It’s all about squeezing the serum into little damaged cakes. Instead, medicated olive oil from the pharmacy can help soften it. Make it easy to clean the ear naturally.

Blood, sweat and tears – and wax, skin and mucus – can cause many common issues. But look beyond these minor pains and be grateful that they are there. She would be sorry if they weren’t.

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Dan Baumgardt He is a senior lecturer in the School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience at the University of Bristol, England. Baumgardt does not work for, consult with, share, or receive financial support from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant relationship beyond an academic appointment.

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