What is intermittent fasting? Negative and weight loss facts

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Intermittent fasting has risen as a popular diet in the past few years—stars Jennifer Aniston, Kourtney Kardashian, Chris Pratt, and Jimmy Kimmel have all praised it, though they often don’t elaborate on what health benefits it offers.

Many others online claim that intermittent fasting helps them with their weight loss goals. Does that mean you should try it? There is a chance that you will have some success. But health professionals warn that there are caveats and exceptions that you should understand first.

“Restrictive diets are really unnecessary and often burn out for many people,” says a registered dietitian Jamie Nadeau He tells USA TODAY. “Once the diet becomes unsustainable, many people not only gain weight, but many engage in unethical behaviors around food. . . . It often makes you feel like there’s something wrong with you or your lack of interest. It’s setting you up for failure.”

Here’s what experts want you to know before you try intermittent fasting.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a diet that can be done in different ways, but basically, you can eat by creating a certain time, and you set the time you fast. Schedules can vary from creating an eight-hour eating window each day — say, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. — all the way to choosing to eat just one meal two days a week to extreme schedules. Johns Hopkins Medicine.

“For some people, intermittent fasting helps them stay in a calorie deficit, just by allowing less opportunity to eat,” Nadeau says. “However, research has not proven that it is more effective than traditional lifestyle and dietary changes.”

What are the downsides of intermittent fasting?

A preliminary study recently raised red flags — intermittent fasting — followed by an eight-hour restricted eating schedule — was associated with a 91% higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, compared to those who ate between 12 and 12. and 16 hours a day.

Johns Hopkins Medicine also advises against trying this diet plan if anyone is under 18, pregnant or breastfeeding, has type 1 diabetes, or has an eating disorder.

“Because intermittent fasting has a rigid structure and dictates when you can eat and when you can’t, I recommend that anyone with a history of disordered eating avoid it because it can make things worse,” says Nadeau.

If you’re looking to lose weight, Nadeau recommends focusing on small lifestyle changes instead: adding more exercise to your daily schedule, eating more fruits, vegetables, and foods high in fiber and protein, and drinking more water.

“New diets always seem exciting and it’s easy to get carried away thinking they’re the magic diet you’ve been looking for,” Nadeau says. “The truth is, restrictive diets don’t work long-term. It’s not something you can imagine yourself doing forever. It won’t work. Your diet changes should be something you can fit into your life forever. You can maintain your health and results forever.”

‘We were surprised.’ Intermittent fasting has been suggested as a serious health hazard

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