What is quinoa? Understand whether it is rice or grain and its health benefits

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When it comes to healthy foods, few are as popular as quinoa. It’s a staple on any health-focused restaurant menu, frequently recommended by nutritionists, and celebrities like Eva Mendes, Zoe Saldana, and Katy Perry have publicly discussed their love of the dish.

Although it hasn’t gained as much traction as other grains yet, quinoa’s market size reached an astounding $382 million last year. It is expected to grow More still. “Delicious, nutritious and versatile, quinoa has gained popularity over the past few decades as a high-protein, gluten-free, whole-grain base for many meals,” says Dr. Uma Naidoo, director of nutrition and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. And behind a Harvard-trained nutritional biologist.”Calm your mind with food.”

What is quinoa?

Quinoa is a type of edible seed that comes in a variety of colors, including black, red, yellow, and white Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. It has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years and is native to the Andean region of South America, Naidoo said.

It is both mechanically harvested and harvested by hand and is known to be a good source of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals such as folate, manganese, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 and magnesium.

Quinoa is considered a high-protein food, “although I wouldn’t consider it a high-quality source of protein because it only has 8 grams per cup,” says Abby Langer, clinical nutritionist, registered dietitian, and founder of Abby Langer diet. “Considering that most healthy people should eat 25-30 grams of protein at each meal, the amount of quinoa we eat to achieve this would be huge,” she says.

Another known benefit of quinoa is that it is versatile and doesn’t take much time to prepare. “It only takes about 15 minutes to cook, and it can be the base of a meal, porridge like oatmeal, a side dish, or an ingredient in a recipe like chili,” says a Virginia-based registered dietitian and author.Prediabetes: The Complete Guide.”

Is quinoa a rice or a grain?

One bit of confusion surrounding quinoa is its classification. “Quinoa is technically a seed, but we classify it as a whole grain because its nutrient profile is similar to other grains,” explains Weisenberger.

And unlike whole grains like barley, oats and wheat, quinoa is gluten-free. Better for glucose management than refined grains like white rice. “Because it contains protein, fiber and micronutrients, quinoa has less of an impact on your blood sugar,” explains Naidoo.

Is it safe to eat quinoa every day?

Weisenberger praises quinoa as “extremely nutritious,” and as a good source of dietary fiber and the aforementioned vitamins and minerals, but suggests keeping caloric content in mind when eating it regularly. “Like other grains, one cup of cooked quinoa has about 225 calories, so portion control is important for anyone watching their weight,” she advises.

Naidu similarly lists the nutritional benefits of quinoa, but “even relatively healthy foods should be eaten in moderation and as part of a well-balanced diet.” With this in mind, she suggests enjoying quinoa only “a few times a week” and combining it with other healthy foods. “Focus on adding fiber-rich vegetables, leafy greens, healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and plenty of lean protein,” she advises.

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