Startling Signs You Are Dating Narcissist

Can you recognize the signs that you are dealing with a narcissist or do you suspect that something is not “quite right” in your relationship?

Regardless of your understanding Narcissism in relationshipsIf you believe you are dealing with a narcissist, it is important to know what to expect so that you are not caught off guard later.

Can you date a narcissist? how do you know? What are some symptoms?

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Here are 9 subtle warning signs you’re dating a narcissist:

1. They came on too strong at first.

Lust is a part of any relationship, but that lust quickly turns to one partner telling the other how “in love” they are and how they want to spend the rest of their lives with them or can’t imagine life without them. It can be a cause of anxiety.

Narcissists often develop superficial relationships during the relationship period before they get to know someone.

2. Discussions are about them.

Narcissists love attention. They love to talk about themselves and how great they are.

They tend to exaggerate their achievements to make themselves look better. Sometimes, they make it difficult to get a word in edgewise.

3. They eat compliments.

Narcissists tend to have high self-esteem, but seek constant praise. If you don’t give it to them, they will throw fish at it.

They often use other people to boost their self-esteem and feel more powerful.

4. They lack empathy.

Empathy is the ability to see and feel the feelings of others. Narcissists cannot understand the personal experience of another.

They are often unable to make others feel validated, understood, or accepted.

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5. They don’t have many lifelong friends.

It is difficult for narcissists to maintain any kind of relationship. They may talk about friends, but maybe they are acquaintances, casual friends, or nemesis.

They also get angry when you mention your friends or try to make plans with them.

6. They are always choosing you.

A little teasing here and there can be harmless and fun for any relationship, but when it’s bad or persistent, it becomes difficult. You may feel like you can’t do anything right or that what you do is not good enough.

They don’t like the clothes you wear, the color of your hair, or the shows you watch on TV.

A narcissist’s rejection or criticism can often begin subtly and escalate over time.

7. They distort your reality.

They may twist the truth, spew lies, or falsely accuse others in an attempt to control your life. This is called gaslighting and is a form of manipulation and emotional abuse.

For example, telling you that your mom didn’t answer your calls because she doesn’t care anymore, or saying that you saw your friends at an event to make you feel left out or unloved.

8. They always think they are right and never apologize.

he said There is no arguing or agreeing with a narcissist.. It seems like they will never listen or understand you.

They rarely take responsibility for anything, and they never apologize if they have done something wrong.

9. They panic if you try to finish things.

You may have noticed things that weren’t right and tried to end the relationship. Your partner has gone into a state of panic by promising to change and being very loving and affectionate.

They may also have said bad things to you, saying, “You don’t know how to live without me,” and friends and family may have tried to take it out on you.

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Narcissists can seem incredibly attractive – before you even know them.

Therefore, it is very important to identify the symptoms of narcissistic abuse before it occurs.

When you first meet, they may be overly cute. They may have gone above and beyond to express their interest in you, whether it was by leaving you love notes or showing up with gifts.

They may have told you that they love you after a few weeks together. But then something happened.

You didn’t call until you got home after meeting your friends. Maybe you have a work meeting so you can’t meet them for lunch, or you’ve decided you’d rather go to bed than catch a movie with them.

Regardless, something may have upset your significant other, and things haven’t been the same since.

People who have been in relationships with narcissists describe this as a turning point when things change in their relationship.

Photo: Diego Cervo via Shutterstock

Narcissists can be difficult to identify, especially when you are romantically involved with one.

Generally, you are not looking for telltale signs of narcissism. Often, you’re caught up in something that once was—an attractive feature that caught your attention.

Dating a narcissist can be exhausting and can leave you feeling lost, defeated, and down on yourself.

You should always take care of yourself and cultivate healthy friendships. It may be helpful to seek support to get out of this relationship and heal yourself.

Related: How to Get a Narcissist Right on the First Date

Babita Spinelli Psychotherapist and CEO of Opening Doors Psychotherapy and Hug Training.