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72370288007 Love Heals Hospice Cat 16 X 9


When Debbie Sat came across an Instagram post of a three-legged stray cat looking for a foster home, she didn’t expect a miracle to happen in her life.

The cat in question was named Princess Charming. Unfortunately, her story was fascinating. The unfortunate kitty has lost a leg to cancer and has little human interaction. Doctors predicted that the cancer would return and gave her six to nine months to live.

But for Debbie, it was love at first sight. Immediately, he decided to give up fostering and instead decided to give the cat a loving home for the rest of her foster life.

Watch the video above to see how a little love saved Prince Charing.

“When I found Charming, I wasn’t thinking about myself,” said Sat. “I only worry about her. My only focus was to give her a good life, to give her love, to give her care, to give her a safe place to be treated.

Every day, Debbie focused on his victories. Giving her new pets, making her home feel like a safe place, and talking to her with loving words.

After about three months, Princess Charming began to emerge from the shell. Slowly, the cat’s cautious personality shines through her tough exterior, and she begins to trust her new mother, and even her Pomeranian brother, Cole.

“She is getting better every day. I am so proud of her,” said Sat.

Six months passed. Then nine. Then a year. Princess Charming has survived longer than anyone thought possible. Finally, she celebrated over one year cancer free with her adoptive mom!

Debbie credits the miracles for love and a little advice from strangers.

“I met this girl and told her how I raised Charm. She said talk to her. Tell her you love her every day and your love will heal her.”

After Debbie shared the story of Princess Charm on Instagram, it touched many people connected to Princess Charm.

“I just realized the hope and love and positivity he gave people. I’ve had people reach out to people who’ve lost pets, lost family to cancer. “People who have been through cancer have messaged me saying how much the video has helped them and given them strength,” she said.

Check out the full story below.

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Watch the act of love that helped a lost cat miraculously beat cancer

Debbie Sat accepts Princess Charm to give her a loving and safe place to spend what she thinks are her final days. Then love defied the odds.

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