Woman Breaks Up With Boyfriend Because He Didnt Like The Baby Name That Came To Her In A Dream

Many of us have had a dream before we woke up. Years ago a A content creator named Emma He had a dream in which his future daughter approached her and told her what her name would be, and he stuck with her ever since.

However, when Emma told her boyfriend that she would name her first daughter after his dream, his reaction was enough to end their relationship.

The woman broke up with her boyfriend because he didn’t like the name of the baby that came to her in a dream.

In a Tik Tok video that has been viewed more than 98,000 times, Emma revealed why her boyfriend’s disapproval of her choice of name for her first daughter led her to end their relationship.

According to Emma, ​​the women in her family are often inspired to name their children based on a dream where they met their future child and knew what their name would be. “Many of my aunts knew what to name their child when they were pregnant or based on a dream they had before pregnancy,” she said.

Emma, ​​who is not yet a mother, revealed she had a similar dream three years ago. “It was the most vivid vision I’ve ever had,” she said. “Basically, my future daughter came up to me and told me that was her name and that one day I would be her mother.”

Emma says she will always “honour” her dream and is confident that the name revealed to her by the boy will be her first daughter’s name. “It was obvious that was going to be her name,” she added, without revealing her name to viewers.

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One day, Emma and her friend were discussing baby names and told her about her dream. Unfortunately, her boyfriend was not a fan of the name. “His reaction was horrible,” Emma said. “I hate that name. I will never call my son my name.’

But Emma knew in her heart that despite her boyfriend’s misunderstanding, the name she saw in her dream would be the name of her first child.

She took her boyfriend’s disapproval as a sign that their relationship would fail and that he would not be the father of her future children.

Still, the two stayed together for some time after a heated discussion. However, whenever a future baby’s name comes up with friends and family, Emma constantly confirms that her future daughter’s name is inspired by her dreams, and her boyfriend gets “so inspired,” she says.

Photo: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

One day, Emma had another intense dream similar to the one in which she learned her future daughter’s name. “In my dream, I’m in the bathtub, I’m giving birth to my future daughter, I take her out, lay her on my chest and I know it’s her,” she recalls. This is TPLF… this is her name.”

Emma said that her boyfriend was in the dream. Soon after she gave birth to her daughter, she looked at him and told him that his name was hers and asked him to leave.

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“We parted in a dream,” she shared. “Where I was in the bathtub, where I was giving birth, I was holding this baby and I told him he was going to kick me out of my house and he couldn’t be inside me anymore. life”

Photo: Alina Reynbakh / Shutterstock

The day after Emma had her dream, she and her boyfriend broke up in real life as well. Now, I can’t help but think that her first dream was the first hint that they weren’t going to last.

While some people think that their dreams are messages and signs of the future, there is some evidence to suggest that our dreams can predict the future.

According to researchers. Dreams happen for various reasons. They are the result of the brain’s neural maintenance during sleep, processing and regulating emotions, and recurring anxiety-provoking or unresolved memories.

A dream serves as a means of strengthening memory and controlling emotions. The process is the same For an overnight treatment session.

But, only because there are certain life events. It is not a guarantee that they will happen in the future. You can dream about your future son, but in the end only girls will be born.

Again, just because dreams can’t tell the future, doesn’t mean they don’t have meaning. According to Alan EzerDreams, a psychologist and clinical instructor at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, “deal with the same personal conflicts and emotional struggles that people face in their daily lives.”

So while Emma’s dream isn’t foreboding, it could be a warning that her relationship isn’t meant to be.

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Megan Quinn is a writer covering entertainment and news, self, love and relationships at YourTango.